• LEGO Art Machines

Maker break 01

By Patrick Tanguay|2022-05-31T07:34:51-04:0029 April 2021|Videos|

Despite “fab” being part of Fab City and Fab Lab, the presence of Fab Labs and maker spaces is now just one aspect of a much broader range of ideas and solutions in the Fab City initiative, which wants to act as a global infrastructure and source of knowledge for transforming the way we work, live, interact and evolve in cities.

Fab City Distributed – First Fab Region in Canada: Bas-Saint-Laurent

By Monique Chartrand|2021-05-18T02:31:42-04:0016 October 2019|Videos|

In October 2020, the Distributed Fab City Summit, from Emergency to Resilience, was held online. The following regions and cities joined the 34 cities and regions involved in the movement: a first in Canada: the Bas-Saint-Laurent Region, Zadar City (Croatia), Valence Romans Agglo (France) and LINZ (Austria).

Fab City Sorocaba Summit, São Paulo Maker Week, FACENS Smart Campus

By Monique Chartrand|2021-05-18T02:31:31-04:009 October 2019|Cities, Fabrication, Videos|

Raquel Peñalosa, President of Communautique and Fab City Montréal Ambassador, along with Tomàs Diez of the Fab City Collective, was invited to present the Fab City Montréal codesign process at the Fab City Sorocaba Summit in Brazil, inviting to participate in Montréal events and ensuring a network of Fab Cities of the Americas (September 24-28, 2019).

Delegation to the Fab City Summit Amsterdam 2019

By Monique Chartrand|2022-06-20T05:07:51-04:0020 June 2019|Videos|

A nice delegation from Montréal and Québec at the Fab City Summit in Amsterdam to talk about the next Fab City Summit that will take place in Montréal and to animate the international codesign process. Presentation of a video with a view of Montréal for the occasion.

Invitation to FAB16 and Fab City Summit 2021

By Monique Chartrand|2021-03-02T04:09:16-05:0019 June 2019|Videos|

Invitation to FAB16 and Fab City Summit in Montréal in July 2021. With Chantal Rouleau, Minister Responsible for the Metropolis and the Montréal Region (Gouvernement du Québec); Mélanie Joly, Minister of Tourism, Official Languages and La Francophonie (Government of Canada); Valérie Plante (Mayor of Montréal); Raquel Peñalosa (President of Communautique); Marc-Olvier Ducharme (Fab Labs Québec).

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