From community well-being to mobility, winter sustainability in Nordic cities

By Laura Espiau Guarner|2024-12-18T12:03:28-05:0018 December 2024|Territoire|

Marie-Hélène Roch, an artist-researcher and founder of Hiver en Nous in Québec, highlights on the importance of cultivating a winter mindset, seeing it as a time for self-reflection and community bonding. Roch emphasizes the need to cultivate “seasonal resilience” not only within individuals but also across municipal institutions, community organizations, or schools.

Collective initiatives for food autonomy

By Laura Espiau Guarner|2023-07-24T09:02:29-04:0031 July 2023|Territoire|

We speak of a 'food desert' to refer to an area with poor access to "shops offering products related to healthy eating habits". That is to say, a convenience store that sells Doritos and beers – however good that combination is – does not count to face these deserts.

Affordable housing through pioneering Indigenous land trust

By Laura Espiau Guarner|2023-03-27T08:16:55-04:0027 March 2023|Territoire|

The Wiyot people, in what is known today as the Humboldt Bay Area of Northern California (U.S.A.), has a mission of exercising tribal rights for their self-government and common welfare, the protection and development of their lands and resources, and the promotion and safeguarding of their aboriginal laws.

Sarvodaya, Buddhist roots for self-sufficient communities

By Laura Espiau Guarner|2023-03-17T15:19:30-04:0017 March 2023|Territoire|

Although ‘FabCity’ or fablab are terms originating in the West, other cultures carry common elements of a vision for the resilient and sustainable development of territories. Indeed, quite a while before we could use a 3D printer at the neighborhood fablab.

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