Invitation to FAB16 and Fab City Summit 2021
Invitation to FAB16 and Fab City Summit in Montréal in July 2021. With Chantal Rouleau, Minister Responsible for the Metropolis and the Montréal Region (Gouvernement du Québec); Mélanie Joly, Minister of Tourism, Official Languages and La Francophonie (Government of Canada); Valérie Plante (Mayor of Montréal); Raquel Peñalosa (President of Communautique); Marc-Olvier Ducharme (Fab Labs Québec). Thanks to everybody that contributed to the making of this video, specially the team of Communautique. Produced by Communautique, director: Yannick B. Gélinas, images: Olivier Asselin, Yannick B. Gélinas, original music: Simon Bellefleur, archive images: Tourisme Montréal, Montréal Mini-Maker Faire, Milieux.