Geofencing vehicles, an experiment in Sweden

By Patrick Tanguay|2022-08-05T08:12:55-04:007 April 2022|Innovation|

This article about Geofencing some vehicles in Sweden is quite short, yet the topic connects to multiple opportunities and challenges. Let’s look at the pilot project first and then at some of those connected issues.

  • Pal and Lucia have created several proof-of-concept items from their newly developed biomaterial, including LEGO bricks and chess pieces. Photo by Becky Kirkland/NC State.

Promising new materials

By Patrick Tanguay|2022-05-17T07:28:37-04:0031 March 2022|Innovation|

New materials can be quite fascinating. Although some of them are not completely new but re-invented, which is often done by integrating things nature does by itself. Dezeen has a great list of ten future materials that could change the way we build. Favourites in this list: 3D-printed mycelium, hemp rebar, and carbon-sequestering Carbicrete (ok, the last one might be in part because it's from a Montréal company).

  • The Tengah Town development in Singapore is surrounded by lush landscaping and a forest corridor, creating nature-centric neighbourhoods

A methodical approach to the net-zero city

By Patrick Tanguay|2022-08-05T08:16:36-04:008 March 2022|Innovation|

Trying things out, observing the results, learning from them, adjusting, trying again. A loop of learning and progressions that can be used at all scales, from personal projects to… cities. In this case, Singapore uses such a methodical approach to becoming a net-zero city.

  • Technologies for possible integration into smart buildings.

Sensors and antennas in smarter homes

By Patrick Tanguay|2022-05-17T07:42:34-04:001 March 2022|Innovation|

Yes, the word “smart” is definitely overused, especially for cities and buildings. When at all needed, the technology aspect should actually be there to make us smarter, collecting data to help in making better decisions. That being said, there are quite a few good ideas in the article another frontier for the digital revolution about “smart buildings.” Like printed sensors and antennas to monitor problems and failures.

  • La Confluence, à Lyon, un quartier qui sert de référence en matière de Smart City (photo Adobe Stock)

Deep Learning City

By Patrick Tanguay|2022-06-21T04:27:25-04:0017 February 2022|Innovation|

Though it is unnecessary to frequently update terms to highlight a potential area of interest, it is still highly useful to explore different perspectives. In this short article, the authors consider that the “Smart City” should rather be termed a “Deep Learning City”.

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