Ecobricks, building the plastic transition bottle by bottle
As the saying goes, ‘necessity is the mother of invention’. It is not by chance that similar bywords exist in almost every other language, since many innovative solutions come indeed to light in times of generalized crises: for example, the trueque (barter) markets during the Argentinean corralito. Transforming plastic waste into building bricks is another good illustration of these innovations forced by need.
Collective initiatives for food autonomy
We speak of a 'food desert' to refer to an area with poor access to "shops offering products related to healthy eating habits". That is to say, a convenience store that sells Doritos and beers – however good that combination is – does not count to face these deserts.
Cargonomia in Budapest, a holistic vision to sustainable urban mobility
In urban logistics, the ‘last mile’ refers to the final stretch of the transport of goods – for example, the distance a truck or a van completes carrying your last online find from a warehouse, a dock, or another trade logistics infrastructure in or near your city, until your door.
Collective batteries to provide backup power in tough times
Worldwide rising prices of essential commodities – plainly put, food and energy- have made more evident the disproportionate vulnerability of poorer households in face of the socioecological crisis. An example: the extreme heat waves illustrate clearly the social inequalities derived from the -very unfortunate – combination of climate change and increasing electricity prices.