A city roadmap for 2022
Following all the challenges and experiments cities have gone through over the last two years, the team at NewCities launched a survey to understand how their community of urban practitioners “perceived the greatest challenges ahead and how to prioritize action.” They focused more specifically on five areas of concern; housing, climate, wellbeing, mobility, and equity.” In this overview article, they present some of the results and conclusions. Unsurprisingly, one of the main insights of the survey is that all the challenges and potential solutions are interconnected.
Design for distributed innovation
If you’ve been interested in Fab Cities, definitely pay attention to this article by Tomas Diez on the distributed learning space being built for the Fab City foundation’s new “Master in Design for Distributed Innovation, in collaboration with the Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC), Fab Lab Barcelona, and local nodes in Montréal, Paris, Puebla, Shanghai, Bali, Hamburg, and Lima (with more to come.)”
Skyscraper height farms?
Most people interested in cities would, I believe, agree that hydroponic farms will very likely be part of the mix of solutions for food cultivated in and around cities. Probably vertical hydroponic farms. Skyscraper height farms, especially ones integrating other amenities like office space, a supermarket and a food court? Now that definitely remains to be seen!
Your city can’t miss the e-bike revolution
Some mistakes are irreversible, and some are quite tame, all of them are opportunities to learn. We’ll see if city planners can learn from the mistakes of their forbearers. As virtually everyone is pushing for a transition to electric vehicles, it’s an opportunity to right the mistake of fossil fuels in cities.