Rethinking concrete to build more sustainable cities
One “boring” aspect of how we built cities going forward is also a very old one, concrete. A material that’s been around since the Romans, humanity has produced an astonishing volume of it and is still doing so at a no less astonishing rate.
Equitable commutes by e-bike
It’s still early in the year, but here’s my first coup de coeur (crush) of 2022. Discovered through this article at The Verge, the Equitable Commute Project in NYC was created to help disadvantaged communities who face especially long commutes, which creates barriers to employment and harm overall well-being. They provide fleet discounts and innovative finance, outreach and education, and perhaps the most forward-looking part of the whole program: workforce development to “prepare New Yorkers who face barriers to employment for jobs in the micro-mobility industry, which is expected to grow to a $300-500 billion market by 2030.” And it’s not only happening in New York!
Reducing the social and environmental impacts of food waste
Food waste is a problem a growing number of consumers are aware of, but it’s not only about waste at home, but there are also multiple steps in the food chain and waste occurs at every one of them. This piece at Shareable looks at three challenges of the food chain and three apps addressing some aspects of it.
More engaged, connected and sustainable cities
Part one in a series providing an overlook of the accomplishments and ideals of the various chapters of Civic Commons. Their definition of sustainability might be a bit ‘minimal’ but it’s a great vision for cities nonetheless.