• Vertical farm Hydroponics, Finland (iFarm.fi)

Cities as a climate survival mechanism

By Patrick Tanguay|2022-05-31T07:33:40-04:0027 April 2021|Cities|

In this short article by Kim Stanley Robinson for Bloomberg Green, the sci-fi author and climate thinker writes about the “30 by 30” plan to protect 30% of land by 2030, which a growing number of countries are joining, and how it echoes “the preeminent conservation biologist of our time”, E.O. Wilson who advocated for the protection of 50% of land on the planet “for the sake of the thousands of species now in danger of extinction.”

  • City landscape, image by Maria Luce Lupetti

Connected experiences of intelligent city things

By Patrick Tanguay|2022-05-31T07:32:21-04:0022 April 2021|Cities|

The Cities of Things lab in Delft, Netherlands, is studying how we “live together with intelligent things, and relate to intelligent systems.” Their research has “a focus on the design of these new relationships and interactions.”

Bella Grünau in Leipzig

By Patrick Tanguay|2021-04-27T03:33:16-04:0018 March 2021|Cities|

Oftentimes the price and scale of a project don’t have much to do with its impact. Case in point, a pop-up pizzeria became a driving force behind socio-cultural revitalisation in Leipzig’s Grünau housing estate.

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